Deep Harmony

Steven Johnson (TechJohnson)
2 min readDec 24, 2020

Throughout 2020, I have done a lot of analyzing of my life. How I grew up, who my friends are, who my family is, how I treat my friends and family, my current “success” as an adult, my “success” in my adolescent years, all of it. To my surprise, I find everything I have achieved and have in life to be null and void. I don’t care. It’s meaningless to me.

I’ve chased this thing called success for over a decade. Success varies from person to person, but it always seems to come back to monetary objects. Success always seems to come back to having a family to call their own and while it’s all great, I do not believe that is what defines success for me.

Success for me, at the highest form, is true happiness.

True happiness is what I strive for and honestly, it’s the hardest thing to achieve. I’m still working towards it.

Sure, you can feel happy with a new toy. You can feel happy when you get married. You can feel happy when your children are born. You can feel happy when you buy your first home. You can feel happy just to be able to pay for your groceries, your home, and your utility bills.

But here’s the thing. Don’t be happy because of this, or because of that. That gives us a flawed sensation to make us feel better about ourselves in the moment.

We need to figure out what brings us true happiness and something I’ve learned over the years is true happiness always comes in the form of having a deep harmony with other people. Caring for one another, no matter what their beliefs are. Making people feel comfortable in situations where they are most vulnerable. Just being overall kind to people. Lifting others up.

Something I want to focus on for the year 2021 is not giving too much attention to things that don’t matter in life. My goal is to lift others up. To make people feel comfortable. To be kind to everyone I meet. To not be so judgmental towards someone for having different beliefs. To not be so selfish with my belongings. I’m bless to be in the position I’m currently in and I still don’t believe I’ve reached that highest form of success — true happiness.

I want to live in harmony, deep harmony, with the people I surround myself with. I want to allow my life to flow naturally, with all ups and downs. I need to become aware of my purpose and to iron out ill feelings with others.

Life is too short, and if we don’t live life in deep harmony, we will perish before ever being able to achieve the highest form of success. I don’t know about you, but that’s not something that’s on my to-do list.

